East Pipe Industry Co., Ltd., is a rigid conduit couplings produce constitute in 1979 in China Weifang, China East Pipe Co., Ltd., supplies manufacture, technology research, export, import of rigid conduit couplings, China East Pipe Co., Ltd., is one of the biggest producer of anti-corrosion pipes and steel fire sprinkler pipe in China. The factory has more than 30 years specialized export experience of rigid conduit couplings count on annual manufacturing capacity of 500,000 tons.
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公司主要经营spiral steel pipe, sprinkler fire fighting system, 3LPE pipe 3PE, highway guardrail, ERW steel pipe,, 生产、销售、设计、安装焊接钢管,塑胶钢管,锥形钢管,冷弯型钢,高速公路护栏,隔离栅,机器设备,仪器仪表及零配件;销售热镀锌产品;经营本企业自产产品及技术的出口业务(地区统一联合经营的商品除外);经营本企业生产、科研所需的原辅材料、仪器仪表、机械设备、零配件及技术的进口业务(地区实行核定公司经营的进口商品除外);经营本企业的进料加工和“三来一补”业务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经 |